Saturday, September 21, 2013

geneME Free Trial

geneME Genetically Customized Supplements – Free Trial

Technology breakthrough makes other supplements obsolete. Health Professionals say “YES” to Innovation in Nutrition Science. Picking up where the Human Genome Project left off, geneME’s elite team of scientists have ushered in a technological breakthrough, creating a revolutionary, personalized, “just-for-you” supplements that is customized to your specific genetic code. Other supplements can only “guess” at what folks need. geneME is the future-personalized wellness.

The traditional, off-the-shelf, hard-coated, one-size-fits-all multivitamins are a thing of the past. They have been rendered useless by the scientific and technological breakthroughs ushered in by geneME DNA Customized Supplements. Personalized to your individual genetic code geneME Supplements unlock the miracle inside you. geneME has cracked the genetic code to aging by unlocking the secret to your DNA to give you a highly customized supplement-just for you-that enables you to live a healthier and happier life. Until now, this has not been possible. But thanks to years of intensive research and testing by leading medical practioners and scientists, geneME now gives you a true all-in-one customized solution that other supplements simply can not.

geneME combines a 30 ingredient, whole food, prebiotic, fruit and vegetable base formula with a “Just For You” 12 key gene personalized DNA formula selected from 40 additional ingredients.

At geneME, we have a vision that one day – 1 day very soon – we will be a nation of healthier, happier, more energetic, longer-living people. In this modern age, it’s a shame that anyone must have to struggle to be healthier. After all, isn’t all the science and research that’s gone on for so a long time about the function of the body supposed to benefit society? Shouldn’t we be harnessing all that science so that we’re able to all lead better lives? The genetic breakthrough occurred almost 60 years ago, with the discovery of DNA. That lead to decades wanting to unravel the mysteries of how it was assembled to the human genome, the role of each gene in governing the functions of our wonderfully complex bodies. The thing that was uncovered along the way is that variations- little changes within our genes called SNPs – also affected the way those genes function, and how they influenced the functions of our bodies both in good ways as well as not-so-good ways.

The good news: that day is NOW.

The time has arrived. The investigation has been done. The science continues to grow. The benefits of a healthy life are available to everybody else. All you need is the desire to live a better life. We have cracked the genetic code to individualized health and well-being. The genetic personalization age is upon us. It is being ushered in by geneME.

Did you know? Two-Thirds of the issues we face today are lifestyle-related.

That means that the way we eat.. the way we exercise (or not)… the way in which we rest and recharge (or not)… the way we reduce stress (or not)… the way we eliminate toxic compounds (or not)… is based on the options we make. We are maybe not prisoners. We are not the total of our genetics – good and bad. Despite what society has conditioned us to trust.

You know where your genes come from.

But that’s just the beginning. You can now understand how your genes are unique for you, which of your genes have SNPs, and how those SNPs may impact just how your body functions. Perhaps most of all, you can now begin to understand what nutritional needs you may have that are unique to you, nutrients and other dietary ingredients that may positively impact the effects of those SNPs. Those SNPs influence your cardiovascular health, bone health, your ability to withstand oxidative stress, and other important functions. You will want to target your diet and supplements to optimizing those functions? You know that old-fashioned statement, “You are what you eat? ” It turns out it’s true! You just have to know what to eat!

geneME Free Trial


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